Because an “amuse bouche” should actually be amusing

Because an “amuse bouche” should actually be amusing

There are some things – images, tastes, sounds – that separate the forest and the trees, the dancer and the dance, the beautiful and the sublime. You stumble across them in the most unlikely moments, making every encounter with magnificence that much more magnificent.

Here is one of those things – the most “amusing” amuse bouche ever.

Peaches – nature’s candy in my hand or can or pie

“Peaches come from a can / They were put there by a man / in a factory downtown.” This is one of our family-inside-joke sort of songs, one of those ludicrous and vaguely hilarious things I found before a summer Big Sur road trip. It went on the Big Sur...
Curried celery root soup

Curried celery root soup

Here’s a recipe for fabulous warming winter root vegetable soup recipe with celeriac and curry. It’s my delicious and divine interpretation of a soup we tried at Big Sur’s Nepenthe one night. Easily adaptable to a vegetarian diet and completely gluten-free. Enjoy!

Art, soup, and family: Nepenthe

Art, soup, and family: Nepenthe

Join me for visit to the studio of Big Sur artist Erin Lee Gafill topped with a bowl of Nepenthe’s delicious soup.

Paradise and Lunch in Big Sur

Paradise and Lunch in Big Sur

The Sierra Mar restaurant at Big Sur’s Post Ranch Inn occupies one corner of paradise; an expanse of hewn wood and plate glass expertly cantilevered over the crystalline azure Pacific Ocean. It’s the kind of place where you might run into Jon Hamm at dinner or Lucinda Williams and Lucy Wainwright at lunch, as we did, or have afternoon cocktails with the owners of Springfield’s best tattoo and piercing parlor, as we also did. Where you enjoy your meal at a table overlooking whales spouting in in the sea below. Click to see the food.

Bluejay bites off more than he can chew (everything eats)

Bluejay bites off more than he can chew (everything eats)

LL and I were picnicking on the deck of our quite luxurious digs at the Post Ranch Inn when this bird – a juvenile Western scrub-jay, according to my handy Sibley Field Guide – swooped down to snag a piece of baguette for himself. Check it out.

Photographs and memories

Photographs and memories

The first good digital camera I had was a Sony Mavica, an unwieldy dinosaur that stored photos on 3.5″ floppy disks. One floppy held ten high-quality photos, and at the rate I took photos, I usually needed quite a few. On our weekend family hikes I’d stuff...
Butterfly snacking on a flower (everything eats)

Butterfly snacking on a flower (everything eats)

Nearly 500 feet above sea level on a sweltering Big Sur summer afternoon, a swallowtail butterfly dips its slender, curved proboscis into the sweet nectar of a purple lantana.   So lovely and wonderful.
A Big Sur Thanksgiving, 1939

A Big Sur Thanksgiving, 1939

Knowing how to brine a perfect turkey is not as important as the ability to remember what, exactly, to give thanks for. Here is novelist Lillian Bos Ross’ description of her 1939 Big Sur Thanksgiving meal. Lillian Bos is one of my heroes; read on to find out more about her.