Art, soup, and family: Nepenthe
Join me for visit to the studio of Big Sur artist Erin Lee Gafill topped with a bowl of Nepenthe’s delicious soup.
The Kids are alright
Here is another reason my kids rock – not just because they wash the dishes – they also entertain me with their interesting views on the world and play Canasta. Best of all, they also give me handmade birthday and Christmas cards and gifts. Check out this year’s gift:
Modern midden at the MOMA
The very best part of fourteen years as an elementary school parent were the field trips. Are all California public schools as open and enthusiastic about off-site learning, or did we just get lucky??? It seems there wasn’t a mission, museum, or state park in a...What to do with that Halloween candy
Never mind your leftover Halloween candy – what are you going to do with all those candy wrappers? If you’re one of the few among us with a more rarefied vision of the world, you may already be saving them to create some objects of beauty like the M&M...Preserving Lady Gaga’s meat dress
I found this great story in the today: Lada Gaga meat dress: A curious task, however you slice it. Entering Damien Hirst territory, a British taxidermist was commissioned by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to preserve the meat dress Lady Gaga wore to the...A Pizza the Size of the Sun
A chocolate-marshmallow-toffee dessert pizza inspired by Jack Prelutsky’s poem “A Pizza the Size of the Sun.” A post in honor of National Poetry Month.
This Is Just To Say
In honor of National Poetry Month I decided it would be appropriate to find and share what bards and poets and other wordsmiths have penned about food over the centuries. Here’s one by the American poet (and physician) William Carlos Williams I first encountered in a class many years ago. It has remained lodged in my mind fairly completely, unlike the concepts of logarithms and half-life:
Obsessive ingredient photos for cookbook – Boing Boing
Photographer Carl Kleiner’s clever photographs depicting ingredients in Ikea’s new cookbook are very, very, very cool. To check them out:
Yellow cup full of miracles
Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to the Lemon”
Dream a little dream . . . of enchiladas
This is an updated recipe for family-friendly weeknight chicken enchiladas: music, dreams, and food, all rolled in a corn tortilla and topped with sauce.
Sometimes I just have to amuse myself (2)
Another happy food face.